Ciudad Victoria is the capital of Tamaulipas, is a place that is characterized by the promotion of culture as an important part in the lives of its inhabitants.
The town of
Victoria is located in the center of the state of Tamaulipas, between 23 º 59
'and 23 º 24' north latitude and 98 º 55 '- 99 º
26' west longitude, traversed by the Tropic of Cancer
at 23 º 27 '. It has an
area of 1 634.08 km ² equivalent to 2.05% . the state territory.
Matamoros, Tam. 313 km.
Reynosa, Tam. 323km.
Mexico, DF 702 km.
Monterrey, N.L. 287 km.
San Luis Potosi 346 km.
Nuevo Laredo, Tam. 505 km.
Tampico, Tam. 250 km.
The main attraction.
The main
attraction is the "Cañón del Novillo" and the “canon de la peregrine”.
The "Cañón del Novillo" is located about
15 minutes from the capital of the state along the old road to Tula, this
beautiful place is a natural place where it can be practiced mountain biking,
due to formation of rocks and paths conducive to these extreme sports.
The Peregrina
Canyon is located in the Tourist Center "Los Troncones" 12 km from Cd
Victoria, where you can appreciate different geological strata, and a variety
of birds like the golden fingers heron, the long-tailed dove, parrot
tamaulipeco, yellow headed parrot and the parrot Mexicano.
Inside the
city there are many cultural sites where you can find knowledge and fun for
young and old alike.
Some activities are:
Bird watching.
Tamatan Zoo.
TAMux Museum.
Tamatan Zoo.
TAMux Museum.